In order to coordinate efforts on the implementation of various activities under the Disaster Risk Reduction Component to better support the socio-economic development process in the Typhoon Committee Area and to help accomplish the DRR related goals and objectives in the Strategic Plan, the Typhoon Committee has established the Working Group on Disaster Risk and Reduction (WGDRR) with the following Terms of Reference and operational modalities.

Terms of Reference

The WGDRR will promote cooperation among the Members in the implementation of activities under the Disaster Risk Reduction Component of the Committee’s Strategic Plan with the aim to support the socio-economic development process and enhance cooperation among the Members in all three components. Towards this end, the WGDRR is expected to advise and assist the Committee in:

  •  Identifying priority issues and areas of cooperation in the Disaster Risk and Reduction Component;
  •  Promoting and facilitating the exchange of experiences and knowledge on latest developments and techniques related to the above issues and areas;
  • Coordinating and implement priority activities and programmes of the Committee aiming at strengthening capacity of the Members in Disaster Risk and Reduction;
  • Mobilizing resources to carry out priority activities of the Committee related to the Disaster Risk and Reduction Component;
  • Promoting measures for more effective cooperation with other components of work of the Committee, including the development of a conceptual framework on multi-hazard early warning systems and public out-reach programmes;
  • Reporting overall progress in the implementation of the DRR component of the Strategic Plan; and
  • Recommending to the Committee priority areas, programmes and activities for cooperation in Disaster Risk and Reduction research by related experts of the Members.


The WGDRR shall be comprised as follows:

  • The Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson(s);
  • or, Co-Chairperson(s);
  • Focal point of Disaster Risk Reduction Component from each Member;

Terms of Service

The Chairpersons and Vice-Chairpersons of the WGDRR shall be appointed for a term of service of two years and shall be eligible for re-appointment.
Operation modalities
In view of the limited financial resources of the TC Trust Fund, the WGDRR is expected to perform its work through email and other means. If possible without financial support, the WG members should meet during the pre-session period before the TC Session.

Reporting requirements

The Chairperson of the WGDRR is required to submit an annual report on Disaster Risk Reduction activities to implement Strategic Plan DRR priority goals through the TCS to the TC Chairperson and the TC Members for their consideration under the framework of the Committee.  This report will include recommendations related to priority activities to be undertaken in the coming years.