Establishment (1964-1968)

In 1964 The Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East (ECAFE, now ESCAP) recommended a joint typhoon investigation program with the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). Then, ECAFE and WMO organized a meeting of typhoon experts who came from various countries and recommended a preparatory mission to formulate an action programme to mitigate typhoon damage.

In 1966 The ECAFE/WMO Preparatory Mission on Typhoons visited several countries and provided recommendations on establishing a Regional Typhoon Centre. Then, the second meeting of typhoon experts in Bangkok reviewed the preparatory mission’s report and recommended establishing a Typhoon Committee with a Regional Typhoon Centre.

In 1968 An ad hoc meeting in Bangkok finalized the statute of the Typhoon Committee. In April, the 24th ECAFE session in Canberra and the WMO Executive Committee endorsed the establishment of the Typhoon Committee. Later, China, Hong Kong, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Laos, the Philippines, and Thailand agreed to join the Typhoon Committee. ECAFE and WMO established a Joint Unit on Typhoons at the ECAFE secretariat. At last, the Inaugural Session of the Typhoon Committee was held in Bangkok in December, marking the official start of its operations. This meeting was also regarded as the 1st Session of the TC.

Advancement (1970-1979)

In 1970, the Committee endorsed the Resolution of proposing the mobilization of science and technology to mitigate typhoon damage, leading to the establishment of the WMO Tropical Cyclone Programme. In 1971, the ECAFE/WMO Joint Unit was reallocated in Manila and given a new name: Typhoon Committee Secretariat. In 1972, Cambodia joined the Committee. Malaysia and Vietnam also joined respectively in 1977 and 1979.

Final Structure (1992-1998)

In 1992, the 1st TC/PTC Joint Session was held in Pattaya, Thailand. In 1993, Macau and the People’s Democratic Republic of Korea joined the TC.

In 1997, the second joint session was held at Phuket, Thailand on which Singapore formalized its entry to the Typhoon Committee.

In 1998, the United States of America joined the Typhoon Committee at the 31st Session. So far, the 14 Members have been finalized.

Rapid Development and Operation (2004-2007)

2004 TC’s decision to host the Secretariat for four years with a possible extension of equal period up to a maximum of eight years was adopted at the 37th Session.

2005 TC decided to transfer the TCS to Macao for a minimum of 4 years with the possibility of an extension of another four years.

2006 The TC conducted the first Integrated Workshop (IWS) in Macao. The agreement regarding Macau China becoming the host member of TCS was signed in Manila.

2007 An agreement regarding administrative, financial, and related arrangements for the TCS was signed and the inauguration of the new premises of TCS was held in Macao, China

Since 2007 till present the Secretariat is established in Macao, China.