TC Secretary Meets UNESCO Regional Office for East Asia
TC Secretary of ESCAP/WMO Typhoon Committee (TC), Dr. Yihong DUAN met with the visiting Prof. Shahbaz KHAN, Director and Representative of UNESCO Regional Office for East Asia and his entourages in the afternoon, 13 December 2023.
During the meeting, Dr. DUAN expressed his sincere welcome to Prof. Shahbaz KHAN and his entourages. He provided an overview of the background and the role of UNESCAP/WMO Typhoon Committee (TC) on typhoon-related disaster reduction, especially briefed the cooperation mechanism of TC and on-going AOPs under three working groups.
Prof. Shahbaz KHAN expressed his appreciation to Dr. DUAN for his acceptation and introduction. He highly appreciated the important role played by the Typhoon Committee on Typhoon related disaster reduction in the region. He introduced UNESCO’s related programmes, progresses and agenda of common interest.
Both sides expressed the willingness on the enhancement of the cooperation on joint initiatives in future, and discussed the possibility of working together on climate change assessment, AI and open-data (open-science) application, DRR training, participation of workshop and annual session of both sides, etc.