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The ESCAP/WMO Typhoon Committee (TC) at its 53rd Online Session decided to convene the 16th Integrated Workshop (16th IWS) in 2021 in ESCAP facility in Bangkok, Thailand.

Due to the still ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the complication arising from mutant strain cases around the world, it was recommended that the 16th IWS should be conducted virtually, from 2-3 December 2021, with similar arrangements to those of 15th IWS in 2020.

Following the consultation with the Advisory Working Group (AWG) and approval from the TC Chairs, it was decided to adopt “Strengthening Impact-based Forecasting for Improving the Capacity of Typhoon-related Disaster Risk Reduction” as the main theme for the 16th IWS.

This year 16th IWS theme is:

Strengthening Impact-based Forecasting for Improving the Capacity of Typhoon-related Disaster Risk Reduction








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